Perseverance or Preservation?

There is no spiritual victory if there is no assurance of salvation.


Calvinists generally embrace eternal security, but believe it in a way that really isn't eternal security at all. Calvinists claim that all God's elect will endure to the end in faith because God will keep them to the end. If the believer does not endure, then that believer was not a true believer or part of God's elect to begin with. This puts the burden on the believer, who must make sure he endures, and not on God's unchanging promises for those who believe.

The flip side, which is also my position, is that once a person believes, his salvation is eternally secure regardless of what he does. If Calvinists do not know whether they are saved until they have endured to the end, how do they conquer sin? How can they call themselves believers while it's not certain whether they'll persevere?

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