An Abused Word

The word 'repent' in the Greek language is metanoia, meaning 'to change one's mind.' I'm not sure about other states and countries, but in many churches throughout California this word has been wrongly defined. The improper definition of this word has produced many false doctrines. Many church doctrinal statements include the phrase 'repent of your sins and turn to Christ for salvation' or 'repent of your sins and commit your life to Christ to be saved.' The truth of the matter is one doesn't have to repent of his sins to turn to Christ. In fact, repenting of sins or committing one's life to Christ is not even required for salvation. Only belief is. Repentance is essential for salvation, but it is not turning from sins. The Bible does not even mention repentance in the context of turning from sin, and furthermore, the phrase 'repent of your sins' is not even found in the Bible. Repentance involves one changing his mind about salvation -- the fact that his good works cannot save and that only Christ can save him. Repentance does not require nor demand a change in behavior, but only a change of mind.